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Emerging Technology Portfolios

Emerging Technology Portfolios

Market Guard® Emerging Technology Portfolios
The Market Guard® Emerging Technology model portfolio identifies and selects what’s believed to be the most attractive investment themes in the emerging technology space by deploying quantitative and qualitative analysis. The portfolio looks to identify and invest in what appears to be on the forefront of technological innovation.
The portfolio is constructed in a way to attempt to provide diversification and resilience, as it looks to invest in various themes, while simultaneously desiring stocks that may be impervious to shifts in the economic cycles.
Market Guard® Emerging Technology model portfolio exposure to high-growth investment themes is the main pillar of the investment process with these megatrends meeting the criteria:
Market Guard® Theme Purity Evaluation
The Market Guard® Emerging Technology model portfolio’s primary focus is on employing a top-down analysis to identify high-growth secular themes. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, Market Guard identifies the most compelling themes with significant growth potential.

Market Guard® Theme Purity Evaluation

The Market Guard® Emerging Technology model portfolio’s primary focus is on employing a top-down analysis to identify high-growth secular themes. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, Market Guard identifies the most compelling themes with significant growth potential.
The Investment Process:
The Market Guard Emerging Technology model portfolio employs a methodology that consists of three main pillars:
1. Top-Down Theme Evaluation.
2. Quantamental Analysis.
3. Market Guard’s Portfolio Builder.