ETF Portfolios

Market Guard® ETF Model Portfolios
Market Guard® ETF Model Portfolios are managed to specific equity and fixed income targets and are implemented through the use of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds). The model portfolios will invest in multiple asset classes ranging from traditional options such as Equities and Fixed Income to more alternative ones like Commodities, Real Estate or Cryptocurrencies. Along with global diversification, Market Guard® implements a disciplined risk management process that allows to fine-tune portfolios according to the risk profile of every mandate, which is achieved by monitoring closely key risk metrics such as volatility or maximum drawdown.
Determining Portfolio Performance
When it comes to portfolio construction, research shows that asset allocation can be one of the most important factors to influence overall performance. According to multiple academic studies, more than 90% of a portfolio’s success is determined by asset allocation. In addition, determining the correct investment classes, as well as the proper percentage to hold in each portfolio, is paramount to long-term success.
Portfolio Performance is Determined By*:

* “Determinants of Portfolio Performance II: An Update.” Brinson, Singer and Beebower, 1996.
Step 1
Evaluate, select, and implement individual investment positions, to create a fully globally diversified portfolio.
Tactical Methodology
Strategic Methodology
Step 2
Determine the optimal asset allocation among the individual investment positions.
Tactical Methodology
Strategic Methodology
Step 3
Utilize a Non-Emotional, Methodical, Mathematical approach through the use of a non-correlated set of multiple factors to assess the individual positions in the portfolio and identify opportune times to HOLD, SELL or BUY the underlying investment position.
Tactical Methodology
Step 1
Evaluate, select, and implement individual investment positions, to create a fully globally diversified portfolio.
Tactical Methodology
Strategic Methodology
Step 2
Determine the optimal asset allocation among the individual investment positions.
Tactical Methodology
Strategic Methodology
Step 3
Utilize a Non-Emotional, Methodical, Mathematical approach through the use of a non-correlated set of multiple factors to assess the individual positions in the portfolio and identify opportune times to HOLD, SELL or BUY the underlying investment position.
Tactical Methodology
Market Guard® Asset Allocation Models
Strategic Asset Allocation

A fully invested model portfolio is designed to remain invested through the course of a calendar year, and will be assessed and Rebalanced on an Annual Basis.
Tactical Asset Allocation

A fully invested model portfolio that can dynamically adapt to financial market conditions by reducing risk exposures allocations by up to 50% using Market Guard’s proprietary model updated and Rebalanced on a Monthly Basis, or when remarkable events occur during mid-month.
Tactical Asset Allocation

A fully invested model portfolio that can dynamically adapt to financial market conditions by reducing risk exposures allocations to full cash using Market Guard’s proprietary model updated and Rebalanced on a Monthly Basis, or when remarkable events occur during mid-month.